Address & Contact


44.81274084149849, -71.87506103515625

Many people who visit this area hope to be able to spot a moose while they are here.  To help you in your wildlife viewing effort we have created a moose viewing map.  The map denotes areas that have been frequently visited by moose. It is important to realize that there are a few things to consider as you head out on your moose viewing adventure as follows:

  1.  You are most likely to see a moose at dusk, dawn or directly preceding or following those timeframes.
  2. Keep your eyes open for muddy, bog-like areas along the roadside.  These areas are often created by frequent visits by moose.
  3. The eyes of a moose will not reflect like those of a deer in your vehicle headlights.  This makes them very difficult to spot alongside, and more importantly, in the roadway.  Please drive slowly and with caution.
  4. If you do spot a moose please be sure to keep a safe and respectful distance.   Moose are much faster than their appearance may cause you to think.  They can cover a sizable distance in a remarkably short time.  Moose have few natural predators and, as such, are comfortable being aggressive if they feel threatened.  Cows with young and males during the rutting season (fall) can be particularly aggressive if pressed.